bar - Nothing can beat experience
Mohamed Radwan

Why and how to clear TFS client cache?

Sometimes there are errors like: \"Cannot find team project\" or you can\'t create a project because duplicate name  despite of you don\'t have one or you are not connected to that one that have t...

Why Using Interface

Using interfaces adds flexibility and power to your design. It solves the hard equation of how to make classes cohesive and loosely coupled. By creating interfaces, classes don’t need to know each ...

TF215097 Build Service Problems

This post can be helpful for all the following error TFS Build Service Problems Build stay in the queue without execute Build controller unavailable there was no endpoint listening at "Tf...

Preview your website in mulipule browser simultaneously

Microsoft has very slick tool called Expression Web SuperPreview, I know that some people will say, we used to use another tool but what is the different here is it’s support for most browsers IE a...

MVC2 MS Build error MSB4019

When I prepar for my new MVC2 project that will use TFS and MS Build for daily build, I decide to create Hello world with MVC2 that use MS Build so I can know what the problems that I may face duri...

umbraco Database Structure

To understand the DB we will assume a scenario that we create CMS project for Training Center that provide training in ASP.NET, C#, etc.We will see what happen in DB when we start create most actio...

Dont' install StyleCope 4.3, StyleCope 4.4 avaliable now

StyleCope  4.4 available now on for visual studio 2010 on  Codeplex, you can download it from here download for pepole that don't know styleCope StyleCop is a wonderful analyzer tool that analyze C...

Recovery mode for MS SQL Server 2008

I started today deploy a CMS project “Umbraco” to a shared hosting, I prefer to use my favorite tool VSTS 2008 DB professional, I face a big problem when I compare data and try to write the update,...

Can't create new build definition in TFS 2010

When I start create my first build definition for Team project I face the following error: TF225001: Creating a build definition requires a build controller be defined for this team project coll...

Free Microsoft Licenses programs

Microsoft announced two free license programs , for individual or companies with less 10 employees++ you can get this program, to help companies and individuals to use Microsoft technology, of curs...

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