- Nothing can beat experience

ALM Mag – TFS Command Line

It has been some time since my last blog post here because I was on a business trip, and I just got back. I really missed my blog so much.. :-) Recently, my blog post “TF.exe Fast Overview” got featured in the ALM Mag Issue 3 - May 2013.


So what is ALM Mag?


ALM Mag features articles from the best and brightest in the industry who share their knowledge, expertise, and experiences. This knowledge comes in the form of whitepapers, study results, blogs, how-to guides, step-by-step articles, and top tips. Our contributors provide reviews of primary tools and third-party integrated or bridging tools as new versions are released. They also review relevant books and community-related events.

Periodically, ALM Mag invites you to participate in surveys to learn about your areas of community participation so we can address those interests and gauge how well the magazine is covering what you want to see. Several times each year, the magazine features industry leaders and evangelists from the ALM, DevOps, Agile, TFS, and Testing community, including an interview inside the issue.

Magazines in electronic format offer several advantages, allowing the embedding of links to streaming video and audio, such as recorded webinars and podcasts, along with video seminars, courseware, tutorials, and training. ALM Mag also provides a calendar and information about upcoming events and a valuable resource section.

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