- Nothing can beat experience

Automated appraisal from the TFS

From a few days ago my manager request me to create appraisal for my team, this appraisal has many factors like code quality, quantity of the tasks, and many other factors. So as you may already know in my world of automation we can automate anything and since all our work recorded on the TFS so I can extract this report from the TFS with button click. I just enter the following, date from, date to and then boom the report is created, so this report can be more accurate, created in no time and has no subjective or biased . so I create the following appraisal report as a baseline, I know it will not be mature enough at the time being but with running the experimental and your feedback it will be enhanced. This report values should change from one to another , from my opinion all people have most of the skill set needed but with different distribution from one to another, so this report will show what the main advantage and skills of a person and what are the other skills that need to improve? it will also show where you can put this person, in other word it will show the best place for this person and what is the hidden output of each one.


So let's talk about each factor and what does it mean? and how does it calculated?

  • Completed Task

The number of completed tasks, this factor show the planning skills because the more task you will have the more planning effort you will spend, for example if there is one feature that has 10 story point size, divided by someone to 2 tasks and another person divide it to 10 tasks so the second person is spending more effort in planning activity.

  • Completed features

The number of resolved or closed feature, this is the main productivity factor, it show how the productivity of the person, remember the feature has size for example there is a feature with 10 story point and there is a feature with 30 story point, so we can calculate this factor based on the number of feature times the story points, remember if the QC team reopen the feature it will not considered until resolved latter

  • Effort

The number of actual hours spend in the tasks , for my opinion this factor has a contrast relation with the communication time and holding meetings, for example if the communication increased (there are many meetings every day) the effort will be reduced and vise versa

  • Reported issues

The number of reported issues, any issue of the system, the process or anything that could delay the smoothing or the streamlining of the work, this factor show the positive attitude of the person for pointing to problems.

  • Resolved issues

The number of resolved issues, this factor will show the positive attitude of the person to solve problems, remember some people are problem finders and others are problem resolvers

  • Reported enhancement

The number of requested enhancement, this factor will show the positive attitude of the person to enhance the defects of architecture, design, code or anything that not created very well, he can smell the code or the debts because this is not an issue the system work but with debts, it's like Technical debt or Code smell, for more information about Technical debt, see


link2, for more information about code smell

see this link This factor also will show the degree of the initiative of the person for introducing initiatives to the project, the team and the company

  • Resolved enhancement

The number of resolved enhancement, this factor show the positive attitude of the person for paying our debts

  • Code churn

This factor indicate the quality and maturity of the following, the code, the project, the module and so on because it's the number of the change of the code from change-set or revision to another, for example suppose there are 3 bugs on the system and to fix these bugs you create 500 code churn, in another application or person you only create 5 code churn, so the second case indicate that the application is well design and coded and the person that fix these bugs write a quality code. for information about what is code churn, see this link , or see the IEEE paper for this


  • Produced bugs

This is the number of bugs that the person produced, and since we develop by feature and we assign the developer the features so the easiest way to know who caused the bug is to assign the bug to the one that resolve the feature, this number can be calculated based on the number of bugs times the severity of the bug.

  • Resolved bugs

The number of resolved bugs and consider that the developer may resolve bugs for other developer.

  • Estimation accuracy

This is very important factor, it will be calculated based on the number of tasks, the estimation effort and the actual effort, the problem always not the long or the short time estimation, the problem is the accurate of the estimation because the plan consist of many task WBS (Work breakdown structure) so if the project has 1000 tasks and each task only delayed 1 hour this mean you may delay the project by 1000 hours (if them on the critical path?) which mean about 5 months, so we have to focus on accurate estimation rather than fast with no accuracy

  • Attendance degree

Of curse this information not exist on the TFS but we have a system that has this information we can extract this info to produced calculation based on the following , the number of business days, the number of vacation or late for example if we said from 1/1/2011 to 1/2/2011 there are 22 business days so every late or vacation consider as minus 1 so for 2 late and 1 day vacation it will has minus 3 so the percentage could be as the following 19/22 % = 86% What we need to make this report effective and realistic?

  • All requirement and features must be exist on the TFS with the description, prototype and the [support ]{style=”text-decoration: underline;”}needed for the developer so he can start the development.
  • All requirements should size estimated (Story points) from the developers team only.
  • Any iteration should be well planned and well break down by the developers with well estimation for the time of the tasks (Effort needed)
  • No task assign to anyone out of the TFS
  • No task or activity created out of the TFS (Every activity should made through the TFS to capture time, effort, cost, etc)

At the end, this report will not be the only depenendent, we have to not forget the other factors like the project factors itself, for example we need to see all fators of the project and what is the effect of removing or assigning a resource to the project, for example the project maybe deliver faster by adding some resource to the project but with low qulity and stability. What we will get from doing this? we will have historical data that can be used for estimation and analysis purpose, I can well identify the skills of my team, when and where I will use them, I will know how to fast a project? how to enhance the quality? or how to balance between them. I hope to see your feedback to enhance this report.


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