- Nothing can beat experience

Being fast, it's not optional for us!!!

In a previous post I introduced our TFSEG (TFS Egypt User Group) Principles, I mention how these Principles are interconnected with each other and how they are considered as one unit and breaking one could break all of them. Today I will talk about the following Principle: "[Get the fastest hardware you have ever had]

I can spend all the day talk about this principle but I will be summarized as much as I can, if you want to understand some of my believes and why this is very very important, just think of the following: Consider that your work is distance 50 KM from your home and you just have a bike , so how much time daily you spend in going and coming back from your work????? According to most of bike riders this distance ( 50 KM * 2) 100 KM will take about 5 hours, so you will spend 5 hours daily in your way for going and coming back from you work, if you working 5 days per week that's mean you spend 25 hours per week, 100 hours per month, 1200 hours per year. Bike

5 hours/ Day 25 hours/ Week 100 hours/ Month 1200 hours/ Year Just imagine that you buy a car, but you don't have money to buy a car, than you need to priorities your life needs and consider the car is more important than your shoes and your eat, so if you could buy a car you can achieve the following. Car

1 hours/ Day 5 hours/ Week **20 **hours/ Month **240 **hours/ Year

So you saved about 960 Hours if you work these hours you could buy three cars not only one!!!!

In our approach we have to verify our application integrity all the time so this drives us to have a lot of automation in build, deployment, installation, configuration, unit tests and many others, so just consider running a build that has 4000 unit test, how much time do you think this build will take? How much time it will take to:

  • Take a snapshot?
  • Restore a snapshot?
  • Create a backup?
  • Restore a backup?
  • Running parallel build 3 or 4 or 5.… together?
  • How many build each developer perform daily?
  • What about (CI) Continuous Integration?
  • Deploy a build to a QA server?
  • Deploy a build to a Staging server?
  • Many others

So Save your time and being fast as you can, let's the problem be your real problem not a hardware problem. So This is the new machine I got it now !!!!, for details specs, see the following post : [Fast hardware gives Marvel ALM


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