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Full End to End Software Development and Delivery Using Azure DevOps

Full End to End Software Development and Delivery using Azure DevOps

This is a new video series, “End to End Software Development and Delivery Using Azure DevOps.” This series contains 8 videos that cover a full end-to-end software development lifecycle with DevOps using Azure DevOps.

Tip: Kubernetes cluster for beginners

For more information about how to work with Kubernetes clusters and deploy them to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and work with Azure Container Registry, see Kubernetes cluster for beginners

1- Introduction and High-Level Overview of DevOps

The 1st video will introduce a high-level overview of DevOps, digital transformation, how to measure high-performance DevOps companies, and some real examples and metrics based on market studies for DevOps adaptation. It will also explain in detail, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD). The explanation will present different angles of the topics to make sure that everyone is on the same page and ready for the rest of the series.

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2- Abstract Overview of End-to-End Software Development and Delivery using Azure DevOps

In the 2nd video, we will see an abstract view of Azure DevOps services. This video will not cover all the services in detail; instead, it will cover a horizontal overview of all Azure DevOps services. This includes Azure DevOps main settings, Azure Boards, Azure Repos, Azure Pipelines, Azure Artifacts, and Azure Test Plans.

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Tip: Docker for beginners

For more information about how to work with Docker, such as pulling a Docker image, running a Docker image, and working with containers, see Docker for beginners

3- Agile and Scrum Planning using Azure Boards (coming soon…)

In the 3rd video, we will see how to use Agile and Scrum using Azure Boards. This includes managing the backlog, sprint planning, capacity planning, Scrum board, Kanban board, how to build a rich dashboard to track progress, and many others.

Agile and Scrum Planning using Azure Boards

4- Managing Source Code with Git using Azure Repos (coming soon…)

In the 4th video, we will see how to work with source control using Azure Repos. This includes Git and TFVC, how to create new repos, import from and to Azure Repos, branch and merge, branch policies, pull requests, and many others.

Managing Source Code with Git using Azure Repos

5- Build Automation and Continuous Integration Using Azure Pipelines (coming soon…)

In the 5th video, we will see how to work with build automation using Azure Pipelines, configure continuous integration, restore third-party packages, run unit tests, and build tasks. We will see how to use the build visual designer as well as YAML and many other features.

Build Automation and Continuous Integration using Azure Pipelines

6- Managing Artifacts Repositories (NuGet, npm, Maven) Using Azure Artifacts (coming soon…)

In the 6th video, we will see how to manage our package repositories using Azure Artifacts, including storing and using packages.

Managing Artifacts Repositories NuGet, npm, Maven using Azure Artifacts

7- Release Management and Continuous Deployment Using Azure Pipelines (coming soon…)

In the 7th video, we will see how to work with release management using Azure Pipelines. This includes creating different stages or environments, pre- and post-deployment approval, managing configuration, release gates to automate deployment approval, and many others.

Release Management and Continuous Deployment using Azure Pipelines

8- Test Planning with Manual Testing and Exploratory Testing Using Azure Test Plans (coming soon…)

In the 8th video, we will see how to test and verify applications using Azure Test Plans. This includes creating test plans, creating test cases, executing test cases, running exploratory testing, and many others.

Test Planning with Manual Testing and Exploratory Testing using Azure Test Plans

Enjoy the series and transform your software development process with Azure DevOps!

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