- Nothing can beat experience

Install TFS 2012 Express and Build Service on Windows 8 Release Preview

From little while I talked about how Visual Studio 2012 come with different strategy and now we have TFS Team Foundation Server Express and how it goinong to be really helpful as a free program for small teams. After the Team Foundation Server Express 2012 RC lunch, I just want to try it and share this with the community as I always do, so in this video I will install TFS (Team Foundation Server Express 2012 RC ) on Windows 8 Release Preview, I will also install TFS Build Service 2012 RC on the same machine (Windows 8 Release Preview) and finally I will install Team Explorer 2012 RC and create a new team project so we can examine Team Web Access and how to see that it doesn't support Backlog and Board feature, and of-course no SharePoint. See the video here

To see the first step video of install Windows 8 Release Preview, click here (Install Windows 8 Release Preview) Here also some snapshots of the installation and the examination.

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