- Nothing can beat experience

MVC2 MS Build error MSB4019

When I prepar for my new MVC2 project that will use TFS and MS Build for daily build, I decide to create Hello world with MVC2 that use MS Build so I can know what the problems that I may face during my real project and here are the problems and how I deal with it. This post will be helpful of any errors of the following:

  • MVC2 error with MS Build
  • error MSB4019: The imported project "C:Program FilesMSBuildMicrosoftVisualStudiov10.0WebApplicationsMicrosoft.WebApplication.targets" was not found
  • The type or namespace name 'Mvc' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web' (are you missing an assembly reference?

I use Get Check in Trigger for build so when I check in my code it queue  my code for build and it has an error.

Open the error and click on view log

Build Error Message

See where the pat that locate for the need files

Log file

Open this target in the MS Build machine, in my case will be as the following

MS Build Machine path from Log file

Open your Visual Studio 2010 machine Copy the WebApplications and put it in the same target in the MS Build machine as the previous image

File copied to MS Build machine

Queue another Build the error should disappear but an new error displayed, this error was that MVC dll can't be found So I open my Visual Studio machine and copy this dll

MVC dll

And put it in the following path, and to help another error I had to put it in the GAC also C:Program FilesReference AssembliesMicrosoftFramework.NETFrameworkv4.0 And now the MVC 2 project get in the queue and build  successfully.

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