- Nothing can beat experience

Best Configuration of ReSharper for me

This configuration what I need to do with ReSharper after clean installation, it may fit with anyone else like me who has the same considerations with ReSharper.

I will add and modify this post as my current needed so expect adding or removing configuration as needed in the future.

  • Cash

Make the cash outside the project folder for better with source control so you don’t need to make source control ignored this folder especially sometimes when we compare files local vs. server (TFS) it will compare these files (cash) and you don’t need them so you can have good and clear comparison But remember its better that if you delete your solution or project to delete the corresponding cash, since it will not deleted because it’s not inside the project folder anymore


  • Shortcut and integration with Visual Studio

I choose ReSharper 2.x / IDEA scheme inspired by the community it may more fit with Java but I choose it and become familiar with it


you can download it from here

  • Auto insert parentheses and quotes
  • Highlight current line

Actually I didn't prefer this I used to use it and when the auto insert parentheses come you can't see the method signature and this not good for me



  • IntelliSence

I prefer visual studio IntelliSence


  • Complete code behavior


  • Line wrapping


  • Add using Namespaces


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