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Speaking About CI/CD pipelines for Azure workloads in DevOps Saturday Conference

Speaking About CI/CD pipelines for Azure workloads

SESSION OVERVIEW: Everything in source control is one of the very important principles of the 8 principles for Continuous Delivery. But to govern this principle in your DevOps adoption, you must also implement CI/CD pipelines as code beside other source code. This session will give you a complete walkthrough that covers the end-to-end process for how to build and deploy the application to Azure cloud, and how to use the pipeline as code.

The session will cover many things, including creating the application infrastructure on Azure cloud, then creating a pipeline as code using YAML configuration language. The pipeline includes multi-stage configuration, which means build and deployment instructions in the same YAML file. After that, it will show how to build a sample application, run the unit tests, then store the application package on the package management storage on the cloud. Finally, it will cover deploying the application to the cloud environment and more.

Come and join the session to see how.

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