- Nothing can beat experience

TFS Update 4 CTP 2 Features and installation

Microsoft released Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 Community Technology Preview 2 (CTP 2) on September 22, 2014. It includes some new features and bug fixes. For more information about this release visit the KB:

This post has two main sections:

Team Foundation Server Features

  • Web Access can return directly to query results from a detailed view of the query by using a context menu.
  • Web Access can generate an email directly from the work item view by using a new toolbar command.
  • Web Access has a full-screen option to view query results.
  • The free Stakeholder license provides access to the project home page from which Stakeholders can view the backlog, edit items, run work item queries, and many other operations.
  • Agile teams can have up to 999 work items in the first or last column of the Kanban board.
  • Web Access now opens a work item in a new window or tab.
  • You can maximize (or full screen) fields for quick readability when the rich text editor does not have enough space.

Installation and Configuration

  • What you need to know before you install
  • How to install and configure.

Team Foundation Server Features

The following is the walkthrough video:

Web Access can return directly to query results from a detailed view of the query by using a context menu.

In Team Web Access, if you run a query and open a work item from the query result, you can get back to the query result from the work item context menu on the top-right.

9-25-2014 5-56-27 PM

9-25-2014 5-58-17 PM

Web Access can generate an email directly from the work item view by using a new toolbar command.

In the previous update 3, you could send an email from the context menu only, but now you can send an email from the work item toolbar.


9-25-2014 6-29-13 PM

Web Access has a full-screen option to view query results.

Now you can full-screen the query result for better readability.

9-25-2014 6-32-19 PM


The free Stakeholder license provides access to the project home page from which Stakeholders can view the backlog, edit items, run work item queries, and many other operations.

There is a new Access level feature for the Stakeholder that gives them more features than the limited level.

9-25-2014 6-35-07 PM

Agile teams can have up to 999 work items in the first or last column of the Kanban board.

9-25-2014 6-37-38 PM

Web Access now opens a work item in a new window or tab.

9-25-2014 8-50-03 PM

You can maximize (or full screen) fields for quick readability when the rich text editor does not have enough space.

9-25-2014 6-44-48 PM

¬9-25-2014 6-45-29 PM

Installation and Configuration

The following is the walkthrough video:

What you need to know before you install

[This installation is not for production and can’t be upgraded, the only purpose is for features evaluation and feedback]


How to install and configure

Installation time: 20 minutes
Configuration time: 5 minutes

This installation doesn’t support the layout switch, so you will need to install the web installer.

9-25-2014 4-34-11 PM

For the supported switches type tfs_server.exe /?

9-25-2014 4-34-42 PM

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