- Nothing can beat experience

umbraco Database Structure

To understand the DB we will assume a scenario that we create CMS project for Training Center that provide training in ASP.NET, C#, etc.We will see what happen in DB when we start create most action in Admin site how this effect on the DB, we will see the following Actions

  • Add Document Type (ex.”Course Categories”)
  • Add Template (ex.”Master”)
  • Add Content (ex.”Programming (of type course Categories)”)
  • Publish content
  • Add Data Type
  • Add Macro that use XSLT
  • Add user
  • Add User Type like administrator, writer, and translator
  • Add Member Type
  • Add Member
  • Add Group

First let’s see the main object node ID that exist

Object Node ID “GUID”Type and Description 
130A2A501-1978-4DDB-A57B-F7EFED43BA3CData Type ex. Label, DatePicker, RichText, (Sys & user define)
201BB7FF2-24DC-4C0C-95A2-C24EF72BBAC8Recycle Bin <? >
3EA7D8624-4CFE-4578-A871-24AA946BF34DUmbraco master root<?>
44EA4382B-2F5A-4C2B-9587-AE9B3CF3602EMedia ex.Image, file, folder
5A2CB7800-F571-4787-9638-BC48539A0EFBDocument Type ex. Trainer, Course Management
66FBDE604-4178-42CE-A10B-8A2600A2F07DTemplate ex. Course Management, Category, New Course
7B796F64C-1F99-4FFB-B886-4BF4BC011A9CMedia ex. image1, image2
8C66BA18E-EAF3-4CFF-8A22-41B16D66A972Content ex. Business, C #, ASP.NET
99B5416FB-E72F-45A9-A07B-5A9A2709CE43Member Type ex. Member
10366E63B9-880F-4E13-A61C-98069B029728Group ex.Group
1139EB0F98-B348-42A1-8662-E7EB18487560Member ex.Mohamed Radwan, Maged Farag,
129F68DA4F-A3A8-44C2-8226-DCBD125E4840Style sheet ex.rating, styleCourseHome (Custom CSS)

Add Document Type (ex.”Course Categories”)

Document Type

1-add 1 record “node” to [umbracoNode] Table “with objectNodeID ending with 0EFB

2-add 1 record to [cmsContentType] Table

3-add n records to [cmsTab] Table “if you add tabs”

4-add n records to [cmsContentTypeAllowedContentType] Table “if you add structure”“with all nodes under this node id”

5-add n records to [cmsPropertyType] Table”for each property”“if you add properties”


Document Type DB Diagram

umbracoNode Table

Document Type DB Diagram t1

cmsContentType Table

Document Type DB Diagram t2

cmsTab Table

Document Type DB Diagram t3

cmsContentTypeAllowedContentType Table

Document Type DB Diagram t4

Add Template (ex.”Master”)


1-add 1 record “node” to [umbracoNode] Table “with objectNodeID ending with F07D

2-add 1 record to [cmsTemplate] Table

3-add 1 record to [cmsDocumentType] Table “to associate content type with template”


Template DB Diagram

umbracoNode Table


cmsTemplate Table

Template DB Diagram t2

cmsDocumentType Table

Template DB Diagram t3


Add Content (ex.”Programming (of type course Categories)”)


1-add 1 record “node” to [umbracoNode] Table “with objectNodeID ending with A972

2-add 1 record to [cmsContent] Table “to associate new content with document type”

3-add 1 record [cmsDocument] Table “That generate GUID of this version”

4-add 1 record [cmsContentVersion] Table” with the generated GUID and the date

5-add 1 record to [cmsContentXml] Table “with all node information as “XML” if you publish it”

6-add n records to [cmsPropertyData] Table “one record for each data which point to property type id from [cmsPropertyType] Table”“If you add data to its properties”


Content DB Diagram

umbracoNode Table

Content DB Diagram t1

cmsContent Table

Content DB Diagram t2

cmsDocument Table




cmsContentXml Table


cmsPropertyData Table

Content DB Diagram t6

cmsPropertyType Table

Document Type DB Diagram t5

Publish content

Publish Content

1-add 1 record to [cmsDocument] Table “That generate GUID of this version” and make newest column = True

2-update 1 record of the previous version and make published =True “1” and update date very near of the last one, update newest=false

3-add 1 record to [cmsContentVersion] Table” with the generated GUID and the date

4-add 1 record to [cmsContentXml] Table “with all node information as “XML” if you publish it”

5-add n records to [cmsPropertyData] Table “one record for each data “if you change any value otherwise it will not add any “ex. content has 4 properties you change 1 property so it will add 4 records considering none changed value as a new values


Publish Content DB Diagram

cmsDocument Table

See the previous

cmsContentVersion Table

See the previous

cmsContentXml Table

See the previous

cmsPropertyData Table

See the previous

Add Data Type

Data Type

1-add 1 record “node” to [umbracoNode] Table “with objectNodeID ending with BA3C

2-add 1 record to [cmsDataType] Table “with the type of the data “int, date, txt” and the type of the control “dropdown, list

3-add n records to [cmsDataTypePreValues] Table “which has all entered values like “Egypt, UAE, KSA


Data Type DB Diagram

umbracoNode Table

Data Type DB Diagram t1

cmsDataType Table

Data Type DB Diagram t2

cmsDataTypePreValues Table

Data Type DB Diagram t3

Add Macro that use XSLT


1-add 1 record to [cmsMacro] Table “that associate this macro with the XSLT file name if it use XSLT


Macro DB Diagram

cmsMacro Table

Macro DB Diagram t

Add user


1-add record to [umbracoUser] Table

2-add 7 records to [umbracoUser2app] Table “if you select all modules “Content-Developer-Media-Members-Settings-Translation-Users


User DB Diagram

umbracoUser Table

User DB Diagram t1

umbracoUser2app Table

User DB Diagram t2

Add User Type like administrator, writer, and translator

User Type

1-add 1 record to [umbracoUserType] Table “With all permission needed” “one character for each permission” “F:C54ZDMOSRPKAUHI


User Type DB Diagram


User Type DB Diagram t

Add Specific permission for specific node

Spec premission to spec node

1-add n records to [umbracoUser2NodePermission] Table for each node for each permission “ex. Node: 1055 premission: 5 for each node, it will add one record for each character of the following “F:C54ZDMOSRPKAUHI” if needed


Spec premission to spec node DB Diagram


Spec premission to spec node DB Diagram t

Add Member Type

Member Type

1-add 1 record “node” to [umbracoNode] Table “with objectNodeID ending with CE43

2-add 1 record to [cmsContentType] Table “like adding document type” to be associated with members like content to be associated with document


Member Type DB Diagram

umbracoNode Table

Member Type DB Diagram t

cmsContentType Table

Member Type DB Diagram t2

Add Member


1-add 1 record “node” to [umbracoNode] Table “with objectNodeID ending with 7560

2-add 1 record to [cmsContent] Table “to associate new content (member) with member type (like document type)”

3-add 1 record to [cmsContentVersion] Table” with the generated GUID and the date

4-add 1 record to [cmsContentXml] Table “with all node information as xml”

5-add n record [cmsMember2MemberGroup] Table “if we add it to group” “1 record for each group to this member with member nodeid and group nodeid”


Member DB Diagram


Member DB Diagram t1


See the previous


See the previous


See the previous


Member DB Diagram t2

Add Group


1-add 1 record “node” to [umbracoNode] Table “with objectNodeID ending with 9728

umbracoNode Table

Group t1

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