- Nothing can beat experience

Visual Studio 2012 Egypt Launch on 26th of Sep 2012

Microsoft Egypt invites you to Visual Studio 2012 Launch Event. Be there, there will be a lot of surprises! :-)

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Register to attend

Visual Studio 2012 Launch

Date: 26th of September 2012

Place: Four Seasons Nile Plaza

Organizations that are able to move forward with velocity on realizing value opportunities through such modernization investments as Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) stand to attain a competitive advantage in the industries they serve. Organizations that are first to realize such opportunities stand to establish ground as domain leaders. We are excited to announce the release of a new Visual Studio 2012 Launch Event, to help you capitalize on this opportunity immediately.

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Rise to new opportunities with Visual Studio 2012
Date: 26th of September 2012
Time: 8:30 AM
Place: Four Seasons Nile Plaza - Nile Meeting Room

We hope you'll join us for this Visual Studio 2012 launch event.

Microsoft Egypt

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