bar - Nothing can beat experience
Mohamed Radwan

Creates test cases from test methods using tcm.exe

Tcm.exe is an application that can be used to creates test cases from test methods, we can also run test cases with associated automation test instead of using the user interface so it can be run ...

Service Accounts and Dependencies in Team Foundation Server

For long time TFS service account one of the very important topic in TFS installation and maintenance, so I will just mention them and give the link for TFS 2010 on MSDN to be always remember them ...

MVC 3 Dependency injection with Unity 2.0 Video

I just created a video that explains the new feature of MVC3 IDependencyResolver, which makes Dependency Injection (DI) easier with MVC .NET. I used the Unity 2.0 DI framework to inject Service A a...

How to control all the TFS services from one place

We can use the TFSServiceControl command to manage, stop or start all of the services and application pools Visual Studio Team Foundation Server uses. For example, we use this command when backing ...

How to isolate layers and other libraries using Moles in Unit Testing?

Moles is one of the mocking frameworks for isolating dependencies and other layer's classes. I used to work with the Moq framework and it was very good, but with Moles you can do some things that I...

How to limit the Pex to not explorer every block in your application

MS Pex one of the greatest tool I found for automation of the generation of the unit testing, but when you Pex your application you don't want Pex exploration to run for every method called for the...

Very good hands on lab for ALM 2010 with VM

There is a very good hands on lab for ALM, it can be a starting point for anyone need to explorer TFS 2010, for the link click the following:

Generate unit tests and run them with CI (Continuous integration) using Pex and MS Team Build 2010

Continuous Integration + Microsoft Pex = Continuous Exploration By exploring our code with Microsoft Pex in our continuous integration, we will leverage the full power of automated test generation...

What is the parameterized unit tests?

Before answer this question we have to answer the question what is classic unit test? Classic unit test Classic or closed unit test is the normal unit test that doesn't take parameter and dep...

Process the TFS Data Warehouse and Analysis Service manually

This is a very trivial post but just to remember, Open the WarehouseControlService.asmx locally on the TFS machine App tier. Click ProcessWarehouse and then click Invoke. The service return...

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