bar - Nothing can beat experience
Mohamed Radwan

MSBuildExtensionPack how to?

I am now interested of streamline the building and the deployment of the application to the QA or the Production because this process take too much time which are repetitive tasks that we should au...

Auto Deploy your Website for QA with Team Build

I need to Deploy the website to the QA machine with team build so I search for how to do that and I found very good article of Ewald Hofman which describe how you auto deploy your website and it's...

Using Microsoft Ajax Minifier with team build

2 weeks ago I had a problem with Microsoft Ajax Minifier on Team Build 010 because my file doesn't' minify, and I post 3 posts title " Why Microsoft Ajax Minifier dosen't minfi the file when used w...

Don’t let your path exced 260 character with Team build

Today when I building my project on our team build server I face the following problem “Cannot evaluate the item metadata “%(FullPath)”  the error because my path exced 260 character so be careful ...

Why and How to use IBuildDetails and BuildDefinition?

Hi, In this episode I will talk about why and how to use IBuildDetails and buildDefinition object to get valuable information thought the build, this very important because IBuildDetails give you a...

DiscountASP.NET Launches SaaS Solution for TFS 2010

You can check the following link for more information

Execute and Run SQL script from C#

I work in a project that used an integration testing that need to check for a specific data in the DB so as the best practice I just want to insert my test data into the DB and then run my test and...

MVC 2.0 condensed summary for beginner

I used to create a condensed document when I start in any new area or technology, so here is the document of MVC 2.0, this document version 1.0 and it contains the valuable information I meet in my...

How to test your site against color-disability?

You know that 20% of people has color-disability, so be careful you have to test your site against this kind of disability. Here is the website that you can use to test your website against color-...

TF51011 error

our tip today is very trivial and I am hesitate to write about but I think maybe it will be helpful for novice user,our error today is the following TF51011 the node specified not found in the cla...

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