- Nothing can beat experience

Free your mind....!

  • Don’t think who you are… Know you are.. Free your Mind!

Know Yourself.

I have met a lot of people that don’t believe that they can do a lot of things no matter what I told them that they can, and they will never do it!!!!! They are impressed when they see me do something new and hard that I haven’t done before, and they get more impressed when I explain to them how it’s not as hard as they thought. So for all those people who always try to convince me, not only that they can’t do it, but also that I can’t do it either. They always think that:

  • We can’t run build automation on our daily basis.
  • We can’t do unit testing and TDD (Test Driven Development).
  • We can’t automate the deployment.
  • We can’t run the best practices of software.
  • We can’t…. we can’t….
  • etc.

I already do that…. and I am continuing to improve…. You will not believe or understand the results I have achieved and where I am…. So just know that you will never be able to do things unless you believe you can do it. So for all people who have doubt about if we really can do that? Yes, we can. The tools and knowledge exist to make your life easier, not harder, and they are really very helpful. It’s all about removing all boundaries that you put on your mind and believing in yourself…. Just… Don’t think who you are… Know you are… Know yourself. Free your Mind! I can only show you the door… you are the one who has to walk through it. And you will be impressed by the results that you will achieve! Free your mind… Know yourself… and raise your potential with Visual Studio 2012!!!!

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