- Nothing can beat experience

Install SharePoint 2010 with MS SQL Server 2012 on Windows Server 2012

When I start my journey of installing Team Foundation Server 2012 (TFS) on Windows Server 2012 with MS SQL 2012, I knew that we can't install SharePoint Foundation 2010 on Windows Server 2012, this by design and sure the Team Foundation Server (TFS) standard configuration will not be able to do that :-(

And if we want to install SharePoint Server 2010 with Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2012 we have 2 options

  1. Use Windows 2008 R2 so we can install SharePoint 2010 Foundation
  2. Use SharePoint Server 2010 so we can be able to install it on Windows Server 2012

So I try to install SharePoint prerequisites but it fails and give me the following error

[There was an error during installation.]

[The tool was unable to install Application Server Role. Web Server (IIS) Role. configuration error, installation skipped]

This happen for many reason, for example most of the prerequeist not supported for Windows Server 2012 because some of them become part of the Windows Server 2012 and some of them become par of the MS SQL 2012 as we will see later in this post.
So I try to install SharePoint and skip the prerequiest and I found the following errors

[This product requires the windows identity foundation]
[This product requires Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0(x64)]
[This product requires Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Client. Install SQL Server 2008 Native Client and re-run setup.]
[Windows Features or Role Service required by this product are not enabled. For a complete list, refer to the link below.]
[This product requires Microsoft Filter pack 2.0]
[This product requires internet information services (IIS) 7.0 or higher, with ASP >NET v2.0 set to 'Allow' in the list of IIS Web Server Extensions.]
[This product requires the IIS 6 Management Compatibility component to install]
[This product requires Microsoft Chart Controls for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 to be installed.]

For more info about MS SQL Server 2012

For more info about Windows Server 2012

So Windows Identity Foundation become a Windows Server 2012 Role, so we just enable this Role on Windows 2012 Server

Also the Reporting Service SharePoint add-in become a component in MS SQL Server 2012

[Note: Only SharePoint 2010 SP1 supported for MS SQL Server 2012 and even if the installation success without SP1 the configuration will fail.]

So the steps to install SharePoint 2010 Server on Windows Server 2012 with MS SQL Server 2012 will be as the following

  • Install MS SQL 2012 with SharePoint add-in
  • Configure some Windows 2012 Roles and Features manually
  • Return specific Environment.Exit code
  • Run SharePoint 2010 prerequiest and install them from SharePoint 2010 Server SP1 (Only SharePoint 2010 SP1 support MS SQL Server2012)
  • Install SharePoint 2010 Server SP1
  • Set the default app pool to v 2.0 instead of 4.0 because this what SharePoint 2010 needs
  • Configure SharePoint 2010
  • provision the installation and configuration

Note: you may want to setup SharePoint 2010 with SQL Server 2012 on Windows Server 2008 R2, it's OK, you can follow the same steps.

Here is the video of the installation

If you prefer to follow steps with screen shots, review the following steps

  • Configure some Windows 2012 Roles and Features manually

We will choose 2 Roles and 1 feature and for each Role we will choose it's features and so the feature, we will choose it's components

  • Web IIS (Role)
  • Application Server (Role)
  • Windows Identity Foundation 3.5 (Feature)

Add Roles and Features Windows 2012

Installation Type Role and Feature widows Server 2012

Server Selection Windows Server 2012

Server Roles Windows Server 2012

Server Roles Application Server Windows Server 2012

Feature Windows Identify Foundation 3.5

Web Server Role- Role Services Health and Diagnostics

Web Server Role- Role Services Security

Web Server Role- Role Services Application Development

Add Roles and Features Wizard Application Development

Add Roles and Features Wizard ASP

Add Roles and Features Wizards ISAPI Extensions

Web Server Role- Role Services ASP.NET 3.5

Add Roles and Features- ISAPI Filters

Web Server Role- Role Services Management Console

Add Roles and Features -II6 WMI Compatibility

Web Server Role- Role Service Scripting Tools

Application Server-Role Services Distributed Transactions

Add Roles and Features ASP.NET 4.5

Application Server-Role Services TCP Activation

Application Server-Role Services Windows Process Activation

Install Windows Server 2012 Roles and Features

  • Return specific Environment.Exit code

We will just give installation what it need, it just check for exist code 1003 so we will give this to SharePoint installation app, this was provided by Steve, well done Steve, its really helpful, so we will download the exe or just compile the source and put it in System32 Folder

  • Run SharePoint 2010 prerequiest and install them from SharePoint 2010 Server SP1 (Only SharePoint 2010 SP1 support MS SQL Server2012)

Install SharePoint 2010 Prerequisites

Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Product Preparation Tool

Configure Application Server Role - Web Server (IIS) Role

SharePoint 2010 Product Preparation Tool Installation Complete

  • Install SharePoint 2010 Server SP1

Install SharePoint 2010 SP1

SharePoint 2010 Accept the terms

Install SharePoint Complete Server Farm

  • Set the default app pool to v 2.0 instead of 4.0 because this what SharePoint 2010 needs

Open the default app pool

Change app pool to .NET Framework version 2.0

If we didn't set this the configuration will fail as the following

SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard Configuration Failed

If this happen we will need to the change the app pool for crated pools related to SharePoint, after SharePoint configuration failed

Change the Application Pool Runtime

Change the Application Pool Runtime

Start SharePoint CA

Set Application Pool Default to v 2.0 instead of v4.0

  • Configure SharePoint 2010

Create New Server Farm

Create a new Server Farm

Specify Configuration Database settings

Configure SharePoint Center Administration Web Application set port number

Completing the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard

Configure SharePoint Products

SharePoint Product Configuration Wizard Configuration Successful

  • provision the installation and configuration, just open CA

Open SharePoint Center Administration

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