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Test Center and Lab Center 2010 Road map

[Updated on April 17, 2012] You can see the full video series (93 videos) of install and configure TFS 2010 in enterprise, see the guide on the Codeplex [End of April 17, 2012 update]

I am working now on an enterprise project that requires me to prepare a well-defined ALM environment, so I decided to work with Test Center and Lab Center in this project. At the beginning, I just need to mention that to work efficiently with Test Center and Lab Center you have to perform all the ALM activities, because you can't get value from Test Center if you don't have Lab Center, or Automated Build, or Work Item Tracking and vice versa. ALM is a complete solution; if you implement all its features, you will start gaining its real values.

Today I will start a new series of ALM called “Test Center and Lab Center 2010”. This series will cover everything in this topic from beginning to end, so we will discuss the following points:

  • Lab Management overview
  • Install and configure Lab Center
  • Lab Center overview, what, and how?
  • Test Center overview, what and how?
  • Automate Build, Deploy, and Test cycle
  • Any topics as needed and found useful

So let's start by talking about the first topic.

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