- Nothing can beat experience

Upgrade TFS 2008 to TFS 2013 Update-2 step-by-step

In this post I will explain a step-by-step walk through on how to upgrade TFS2008 to TFS2013 Update-2. Here is the flow of the walk through:


Here are the steps:


Backup TFS2008 databases or just get them offline so you can copy them:

1-backup tfs 2008 database

Copy Data Files To Data Folder Or Backup Files To Backup Folder on the Data Tire for TFS2012:

2-copy data files to data folder or backup files to backup folder


Open SQL Management Studio From Data Tire for TFS2012:

3-open sql management studio from data tire of TFS

Attach Data Files or Restore Backup Files If You Made Backup:

5-attach all the following databases

Attach All the Following Databases:

6-we can see the attached databases as the following Open TFS2012 Administration Console:

7-open tfs 2012 administration console

Click on Configure Installed Features:

8-click on configure installed features

Choose Upgrade and then click Next:

9-choose upgrade tab in tfs administration console and click start wizard


In the Databases section, make sure you select TfsIntegration and you checked the check box to confirm you have a backup:

11-list available database for tfs

In the Account section use the default for the service account (Network Service):

12-use network service as a service account


If your installation of TFS2008 includes Reporting like mine, click on Configure Reporting for use with TFS:

14-configure reporting to use with team foundation server

In my case I needed to choose the secure one as this is what we have:

15-provide the reporting services settings for team foundation server

In the Analysis Service, type the name of the machine and click Test:


In Report Reader Account put the service account for reporting service and click Test:

17-tfs reporting services reader account

If you have SharePoint click on Configure SharePoint for use with TFS:

18-configure sharepoint use with team foundation server

Name the collection, I choose TFS2008_Collection:

19-Enter the name of the collection

Configure the upgrade and review the success:


Review your team projects in the TFS2008_Collection:

20-examine the old team projects

Detach the collection:

21-tfs 2008 detach collection

22-upgrade to tfs 2013

If there is any warning, review it and complete the detach process:



Backup The TFS2008_Collection DB:

25-backup tfs2008 collection

25-backup tfs2008 collection-2

Copy the backup file to the new TFS2013 Server:

26-copy the collection backup to TFS 2013 DT Data tier


Open SQL Management Studio From the Data Tire for the TFS2013:

27-open sql management on TFS data tier

Attach the Backup of TFS2008_Collection DB:

28-attach tfs 2008 collection to tfs 2013

28-attach tfs 2008 collection to tfs 2013-2

Open TFS2013 Administration Console:

28-2 Click Team Projects Collections and then click on Attach Collection:

29-Open Team Foundation Server Administration Console

Click on List Available Databases, you should see the restored TFS2008_Collection DB, check to confirm that you have a backup of that database and click Next:

30-List Available Dtabases

Name the collection, I choose TFS2008_Collection:

31-Provide a Collection Name and Description

Review and then configure:

32-Review the confiuration and Verify

33-Attach the collection

34-Monitor the Team Project Collection attach porgress

Review the migrated team projects in the TFS2008_Collection:

35-Review migrated collection and projects

Done! For more information about versions and options for TFS upgrade

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