Hello, I received very good suggestions and feedback from Maatren Balliauw, really thanks Maarten for your valuable opinions and ideas :-) the most important suggestion was about making a fluent ...
Style cop for Resharper plugin
This is the link of the style cop plugin for Resharper http://stylecop.forresharper.org/ One of my best and favorite tool
I decide to create a category of links
I decide to create a category of links, I will post links that I like, or that have a goodknowledge, etc. and will put my comments, criticizing or thesituationinformation with it to be memorize and...
Copy comments from base in Resharper
I used to use a very slickly feature of Resharper which is copy comments from base (class or interface), anyone knows me will know that I am very strict to code guidance and rules using style copy ...
How to effectively debug Expression Tree?
First this is a very small tip and the reason for creating it because it took me time to reach where I can click the button to display the visualizer of the Expression tree? First we have to be...
Unobtrusive JavaScript and Ajax in MVC 3
In the previous release of the ASP.NET MVC which is (MVC 2) I didn't like the Ajax usage, like Ajax action link and Ajax begin form and I make a rule for the previous project for all my team memebe...
DevMagicFake Published on NuGet
Now you can install DevMagicFake from NuGet server To install the package you just open tool-> Library Package Manager->Package Manager Console as the following: Now in the NuGet Packag...
Extension Methods for IEnumerable of T and Custom Collection
Custom Collection is one of the best design patterns I have ever used. It encapsulates items or an array of items inside a separate class, allowing us to fully control these items. However, for mod...
Lambda Expression, Func and Action delegates
Finally I decide to post this topic, every time I said it's not needed because it's very simple topic, but I always take time to remember all it's details specially when i get busy with TFS workflo...
Solve the MVC 3 Shortcut conflict with MVC 2 on Visual Studio 2010
When we install MVC 3 on Visual Studio 2010, the shortcut for MVC 3 didn't work and this because all shortcut are associated with MVC 2, we can solve this issue by many ways, We can open-->Tool-...