bar - Nothing can beat experience
Mohamed Radwan

What's New in Visual Studio IntelliCode

Introduction Visual Studio IntelliCode is a set of AI-assisted capabilities for Visual Studio to help make developers more productive. In this post, I am going to show the latest and greatest in V...

What's New in Visual Studio 2019

Introduction In this post, I am going to share the latest improvements and features in Visual Studio 2019 to support modern application development and continuous innovation. We will walk through ...

Dynamics 365 CRM Tools and Process tips

Introduction: When we start thinking about SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) and DevOps for Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, we must highlight very important tools and processes. In this post I am...

Build a CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) Pipeline from Visual Studio

This article will demonstrate how to build a complete CI/CD pipeline in Visual Studio and deploy it to Azure using the new Continuous Delivery Extension for Visual Studio. Using CI, allows you to m...

How to solve some Dynamics CRM deployment and permissions errors

If you face any of the following problems, While installing Dynamics CRM getting error at “System Checks” regarding permission for DB Window Active Directory issue during CRM installation Unable...

Automatically Creating Staging Environment for Dynamics 365 on The Cloud

1.Introduction Having or creating a new Dynamics 365 environment very quickly and in a reliable way is crucial for the business, it's needed for different scenarios for example, if you want to tes...

Working with Microsoft Dynamics 365 PowerShell

In this post, we will see how to use PowerShell to change some values for Microsoft Dynamics 365. First, add the PowerShell snap-in for the CRM module:

Working with IIS PowerShell

In this post we will see how to change the credential of IIS Application Pool using PowerShell, we will also use PowerShell to restart the Application Pool. If you would like to learn more abou...

Working with SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Server) PowerShell

In this post we will see how to work with SSRS PowerShell so we can remap SSRS or SQL Sever Reporting Server Database to an existing DB, we will see also how to restore SSRS encryption key -� You ...

The next generation of Hockey App: Visual Studio Mobile Center (now Visual Studio App Center)

Introduction Hockey App is part of Microsoft’s Mobile DevOps stack helping developers manage the app lifecycle and automate integration, testing, delivery, and monitoring. Mobile Center is a new b...

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